NJGCA has developed this program for current and expectant Emission Repair Technicians (ERTs) preparing to take their ASE tests; and in anticipation of certifying to New Jersey’s Emission Technician Education Program (ETEP).

The compliance requirements to certify/re-certify as a New Jersey ERT changed on January 1, 2020. The previous “dual-track” option has been abolished. Technicians can no longer certify through the ETEP- educational class track. Only the ASE-test track remains, and re-certification is required every five years.
Interested candidates must now obtain their ASE A6, A8, and L1 credentials (and the accompanying New Jersey CERT Course* — a state-specific air quality informational training) to certify/re-certify as an ERT.
This ASE-prep class will assist technicians studying and preparing for the demands of the ASE A6, A8, and L1 certification tests.** Our training classes will help develop your technical knowledge in the three content areas — “Electrical/Electronics”, “Engine Performance”, and/or “Advanced Engine Performance”.
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