Reminder: Claim-Filing Deadline for Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Settlement, Sign-Up For Free Filing Webinar on January 8, 2025
In August, we updated our members with the news that the ongoing $5.5 billion Visa/Mastercard credit card settlement claim-filing period had been extended from August 30, 2024 to February 4, 2025.
The date change was the second time the deadline has been revised, as the Court gave potential claimants another 180-day extension to allow additional parties to file.
You can read more about the extension by CLICKING HERE.
You can also read the initial settlement details in this informative article by CLICKING HERE.
As the calendar rolls over to begin 2025, we want to remind members that you have approximately one month left to file a claim.
If you have not done so already, and believe your business overpaid processing credit card transaction fees between January 1, 2004 to January 25, 2019, please do not wait to file.
While the claim forms take five minutes to fill out, the actual claim processing may take weeks to verify.
In addition, we have heard some retailers are having difficulty with their claim applications. That’s because there are often multiple merchants associated with a particular location or account. Any application that has a conflict is delayed, and the applicant is invited to review documents outlining the other claimants in an attempt to correct the record.
If you are having difficulty filing a claim online, and believe that another merchant has filed a claim in your place (for example, a previous or subsequent lessee/property owner at your location, a distributor, etc), a possible work-around may be to file a paper application. This does not guarantee that the claim will be accepted, but at least a paper application will get processed by hand, and will not automatically be rejected by the online system if a conflict exists.
To file a paper application, please CLICK HERE to download the form, fill it out completely, and submit it by ordinary U.S. postal mail to the following address:
Payment Card Interchange Fee Settlement
PO Box 2530
Portland, OR 97208-2530
Please see additional details and instructions listed on the downloadable paper application.
For your own records and proof of submission, please be sure to scan a copy of your application to refer to later.
Noting the potential for confusion and paperwork mix-ups, there is a good chance this process may become time-consuming on a case-by-case basis. You may need to look up various records from over the years to defend your claim from another applicant. All of which underscores that your submission should not be left to the last minute.
To submit a claim and read more about the settlement, CLICK HERE.
If you have questions or need assistance with preparing your claim, there is a Class Administrator and Class Counsel resource available to you at no-cost. To contact them, please email or call 1-800-625-6440.
Lastly, we received notice that there will be a free filing webinar for potential claimants on January 8, 2025 at 2:00pm EST. All participants will hear directly from the settlement administrator and legal counsel. It will be a great opportunity to hear more about the process and ask questions. The webinar will be held online via Zoom, or you can also participate via a telephone conference call number.
To learn more and register for the webinar, please CLICK HERE. Fill out the online form, and you will receive a Zoom link for the meeting via email. On January 8, 2025, open the email and just click on the link to join the webinar. Remember to look for the confirmation email in your inbox to make sure it does not get redirected to your spam or junk folders.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Nick via or 732-256-9646.