March 9, 2012
Dear NJGCA Member:
Here's what you'll find in this edition of the NJGCA Road Warrior, and thank you for reading:
•CNG station opening, NJ Emission Inspector Training Class available
•Assembly Committee approves bill limiting payouts for public worker sick-days
•NJ Congressman Donald Payne dies, leaves behind an impressive legacy
•President says oil is “fuel of the past”
•Convenience stores attacked by anti-tobacco groups
•Interested in taking a class? Contact us today!
•Regency Property Appraisers: Serving all your appraisal needs in NJ, NY, and beyond!
•Looking for a new brand for your station? Take a look at the opportunity below!
•TMP Energy Solutions: Another Way to Save On Your Energy Bills!
•Serving New Jersey since 1910 -- Over 100 years of supplying gasoline retailers like YOU!
•Participate in the NJGCA PAC today and help us keep our Agenda rolling in Trenton!
•On the NJGCA Homepage
A CNG Future…Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (GGE) is $1.69 per gallon….and a better profit margin!!!
Israel, Iran and the Marketplace
NJ Emission Inspector Training Class available
NY Dummies tarnish NJ efforts to privatize Motor Vehicle Inspections
When looking at the alternative fuels landscape from afar, trying to keep different technologies and emerging developments straight can be a bit confusing. It’s for that reason that NJGCA has worked to bring you some of these changes as clearly and as organized as possible through the Road Warrior, our Energy Examiner section of the On The Road newsletter, and other communications.
As bewildering as it can all be, however, one alternative has quite a head-start on the others today: compressed natural gas (CNG).
CNG is a fully developed technology, works with existing internal combustion engines (ICE), burns cleanly with virtually no pollutants, and can be used in contemporary vehicles with little modification. Furthermore, the US has proven natural gas reserves that would last America well into the next century – giving the nation the ability to take advantage of CNG resources today while fully commercializing other alternatives like hydrogen and ethanol for transportation uses tomorrow.
The only area where CNG falls short is in the area of infrastructure, but even that is changing.
Earlier this week, I was in Glassboro Borough in South Jersey to attend the opening of a brand new CNG refueling station. It was a great event and had quite a turn out! In fact, over 200 people showed up at the opening, and notable attendees included legislators, the President of the Board of Public Utilities, and even former NJ Governor James Florio (Governor Florio’s law firm works on energy issues and was involved with getting the station approved). Also in attendance were NJGCA allies like Chuck Feinberg from the Clean Cities Coalition and NJGCA-friendly legislators such as Assemblyman Chivukula and Assemblywoman Quijano.
Take a look at some of the snapshots I took from the opening below:

A CNG dispenser: Looks quite a bit like an ordinary liquid fuel pump, doesn’t it?
A close up of a CNG dispenser: Notice the dispenser shows the soon-to-be-celebrated Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (or GGE), explaining to motorists the price of a ‘gallon’ of CNG they are getting for a corresponding gallon of gasoline. Fill up here and you will be paying the equivalent of $1.69 per gallon of gasoline!!!
A Honda Civic GX: One of the CNG powered vehicles currently on the market for motorists to purchase.
Why the excitement and turn out? Well, unlike other mediums that may seem like decades from commercialization, CNG is being used today for fleet vehicles, company cars, public transportation buses, and to fulfill other business transportation needs. To use an analogy, the CNG train is out of the station, down the track, and building up steam – Will you watch it pass? Or will you get on board? Or will you get run over by the CNG train?
Small business owners making an investment in future advances need to get all the facts before committing valuable dollars and resources. For that reason, I’m hoping to get a workshop on CNG up and running sometime in May.
I bet a few of you think that NJGCA Members aren’t interested in making such an investment, right? Think again! I’ve already gotten calls from a handful of members interested in adding CNG. What’s more, I had no idea that he would be there, but NJGCA Member Larry Valenzano was so interested in CNG he came to the opening to learn more in person! You’ll remember Larry as the owner of Mighty Joe’s Gas, Grill & Deli in Shamong, and was the Member Spotlight in the June 2010 edition of On The Road. Among other notable accomplishment, we hailed Larry for having the foresight and resolve to sell E85 at his location, which has been profitable for his business.
Getting back to CNG, I want you to pay particular attention to the acronym ‘GGE’ or Gasoline Gallon Equivalent. You’d be interested to know that, in terms of a gallon of gasoline, the price of a ‘gallon’ of CNG is roughly $1.69. Do you think your customers would like that? As a motorist, I know I would.
What about profit? Well, CNG sells with bigger margins than what’s on a gallon of gasoline. Furthermore, unlike the gasoline market, you can get a supplier contract that will set the price of CNG over a one or two year period! That allows you to hedge your expenses while protecting your bottom line – just like airlines and transportation companies do!
Some of you may be reading this and thinking, “What about the customers?” and that’s a valid question to ask.
When it comes to CNG, what you may not realize is that your customers are literally all over the place. Those patrons come in the form of government-operated vehicles, corporate fleet operators, and related businesses. Why do they use CNG to power their vehicles? For the same reasons other motorists will do so: It’s cheaper to purchase, easy to maintain and operate, and presents an incredible value.
The icing on the cake is that automakers are now creating “dual-fuel” vehicles that run both on gasoline and CNG. In fact, GM and Chrysler just announced this week that they will soon start offering half-ton pick-up trucks that will run on both. The idea here is to prevent the same kind of ‘range anxiety’ that all-electric vehicles create among motorists – where will I fill up (or charge up) next? In offering CNG and gasoline power together, a driver doesn’t have to worry about this and can merely use gasoline to power their vehicle until they hit the next CNG filling station. Click HERE to read more about these products.
Of course, this doesn’t include the heavy duty machine operators, bus companies, waste hauling outfits and related businesses – all of which use CNG for their fleets.
In a very real way, the fleet operators are ‘free advertisers’ for a station that offers CNG, because when they are coming to your station to fill up for work without any problem, they see the added benefit it could have for their own private vehicle purchase.
CNG isn’t going away and the only thing that is hindering wider acceptance is the infrastructure – which is where you come in. If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that the total volume of gasoline sales will continue to shrink even as prices either climb higher or remain elevated at around $3.50 a gallon. If that continues, your business will almost certainly suffer since both forces will either diminish your total sales or eradicate your profit margins. But, if you had CNG to sell alongside ordinary gasoline and diesel fuel, you’d have an additional revenue stream to supplement your motor fuel sales – Is there any downside to that? Not that I can see!
The gasoline marketplace is still in chaos, but the pressure eased up a bit as the price of gasoline fell ten cents over the last few days. The reason? Events unfolding in Iran and Israel. The political and public tensions ramping up between the two nations have created a great deal of fear in the energy markets. However, those tensions seemed to diminish a bit -- for this week anyway. Don’t count on it to last.
Will that last long-term? That’s anyone’s guess, but it only serves as the latest reminder that all the experts in the world can’t tell you where prices will go or how long they will stay there. Kinda makes tapping a gas well in Pennsylvania or Colorado more appealing than guessing about the future of geopolitics in the oil-rich Middle East, doesn’t it?
Are you or one of your employees looking to continue your automotive education? NJGCA will be offering the NJ Emission Inspector Training class later in March. For anyone who is not familiar with the course, in order to be licensed as a Motor Vehicle Emission Inspector, a technician must complete this course and pass a written exam given by the State of New Jersey.
NJGCA offers this training in a one day, State approved training program that will provide an understanding of inspection related issues including EPA Regulations, Safety, Diesel, Customer Service and the New Jersey State Specific Curriculum. The course is specially tailored by NJGCA and fulfills all State requirements.
Class Details:
Class Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012
Where: NJGCA Headquarters (66 Morris Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081)
Arrival Time: 7:00 am
Class Begins: 7:30 am
Lunch: 12:00 pm (Pizza and soda will be served)
MVC Test: 1:30 pm
Class Fee:
NJGCA Members: $250.00
Non-members: $300.00
Manuals Included. Payment is due upon registration. We accept credit cards.
NOTE: A $50.00 license fee must also be paid to the State. Please bring a check made payable to NJMVC
If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Hill at 973-376-0066 or email her at
Even as NJGCA works to reform the State Vehicle Inspection Program into an all-private and PIF-operated system, the actions of a few bad apples in New York State are casting a long (and negative) shadow on New Jersey small business owners.
The NY department of Environmental Conservation issued a press release this week after an investigation uncovered serious fraudulent activity at two private inspection facilities. You can read the press release by clicking HERE
It seems that these guys deceitfully passed cars that would not have passed without some deceptive intervention on their part. NY smacked these rectums pretty hard with some serious fines, but their actions have tarnished the reputations of other honest inspection facilities including us here across the river in New Jersey. I am glad that they are not NJGCA members. If they were and had called me for help I would have told them to go suck an egg!
It is morons like these guys in New York that cause consternation with NJDEP and EPA officials when discussing a move in New Jersey to have ALL Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspections performed in Private Inspection Facilities. The press release was sent to me by both NJDEP and NJMVC folks who know that I want to have NJ move to ALL PIF inspections. These rectums in the Bronx have just made my job more difficult.
This week, I’m also sending along a video link from our Communication Director’s appearance on NBC News. As you’ll recall, Nick De Palma stepped in to do the interview a few weeks back while I was away attending a renewable fuels conference in Florida. We weren’t able to edit and post the video at the time, but as promised, we’ve made it available for you to view by clicking HERE
THE POLICY PATROL: For this week’s Radar Screen I am throwing the spotlight on something you may have read about in the papers—a minimum wage increase. Members of the Legislature are pushing A-2162/S-3 to raise the minimum wage 17% to $8.75 an hour. This would make New Jersey’s minimum wage the third highest in the nation, behind Washington state and Oregon. Additionally, the bill would also mandate that the minimum wage be automatically increased every July 1st based on the Consumer Price Index. I submitted testimony to the Senate Labor Committee on Thursday stating the reasons for NJGCA’s opposition to this increase, which would take effect this July. An increase in the minimum wage won’t just affect those workers who are currently earning less than $8.75 an hour; it creates an upward pressure where every employee starts demanding more money. With high gas prices and dropping consumer demand cutting into your profits, the last thing you need to deal with is a jump in labor costs. You can read the full testimony I submitted to the committee by clicking here. The bill did pass out of committee and now awaits a vote in the full Assembly and the full Senate. It is likely to pass both house but then will need the signature of Governor Christie. Honestly, I have no idea what the Governor will do, but when the time comes, I will need you to write and call the Governor to voice your opposition.
From the Manure Pile we are plucking out S-589, which “exempts persons engaged in braiding hair from cosmetology-hairstyling licensing requirements”. As if the government doesn’t regulate enough of our lives and our economy, it is currently against the law for someone to have their hair braided by a person who does not have some sort of special license. It really makes you wonder, who thinks of this stuff?
Thanks for listening – See you next week.
Sal Risalvato
Executive Director
Assembly Committee approves bill limiting payouts for public worker sick-days
A proposal to limit payouts for future public employee union workers with accumulated sick time to $7,500 was passed this week by the Assembly State Government Committee. Supporters of the measure would direct any sick time payouts to post-retirement health benefits. A similar measure passed by the panel would eliminate all sick leave benefits for non-unionized state employees. A similar measure proposed last year which would have capped the benefits at $15,000 was vetoed by Governor Christie, who stated that payouts should be eliminated altogether.
NJ Congressman Donald Payne dies, leaves behind an impressive legacy
New Jersey Representative Donald Payne Sr. died on Tuesday after a months-long struggle with colon cancer. Congressman Payne represented the 10th Congressional District, which encompassed the City of Newark and the surrounding area in Essex, Hudson, and Union counties. Payne was first elected to Congress in 1988, becoming the first African-American representative from New Jersey, and was re-elected 12 times. A kind man and decent public servant, NJGCA extends our sincerest sympathies to the entire Payne family on this tremendous loss. Click above to read more about Congressman Payne and his life-long accomplishments.
President says oil is “fuel of the past”
During a recent visit to North Carolina, President Obama stated that oil is a “fuel of the past” and that more must be done to wean the nation off its oil dependency. In order to accomplish this aim, Obama is calling for higher tax incentives for fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles.
Convenience stores attacked by anti-tobacco groups
A new report by a group of anti-tobacco organizations has cited convenience stores as willing participants in marketing tobacco products to children and the general public. The new report, which savages the convenience store industry, urges elected officials to enact higher tobacco taxes and pass measure to prevent point-of-sale marketing. The groups claim that point-of-sale advertising – such as at convenience store check out counters and at gasoline stations – are harmful to children and consumers. Opponents of the report state that convenience stores are offering a product to patrons which they have a right to purchase and that laws are in place to prevent underage children from buying tobacco products. Click above to read the full article.
66 Morris Avenue - Springfield, NJ 07081 (Union County)

TMP Energy Solutions
Another Way to Save on Your Energy Bills
We have had a number of NJGCA members successfully reduce their rate per kWh signing up through our energy saving program. We know it’s difficult to collect 12 months worth of previous electric bills to get an “accurate” analysis when comparing a variable rate to a fixed rate, but we now have another option available.
This new solution is a power purchase option; the other program is still in full force and has saved members thousands of dollars. If you sign up for the power purchase option, you will be grouped with other NJGCA members until the minimum KW demand is acquired. By pooling the member’s usage together, you will be able to take advantage, as large energy users do, and receive a lower kWh rate.
Each member will receive their own contract. Each member is responsible to sign and return the agreement the day it is received in order to secure the price for their group.
Please do your due diligence, so when you receive the proposal and the agreement you will be able to make an intelligent decision.
If by chance, you still want us to assess you bills, to give you a price to compare, we will require12 months of your most recent utility bills.
There are no bills required, but we would still like to have one bill per meter on file to check account #’s, meter #’s service addresses and other pertinent information incase there is a problem.
The term of the agreement is for 12 months. During this term period, you will have price protection against any energy price increases along with a low fixed kWh rate.
If you are interested in becoming part of this power purchase option, please contact Phil Apruzzi at the NJGCA.
Remember when you sign up your energy through the NJGCA Energy Program, TMP makes a considerable donation to the NJGCA Scholarship Fund through their proceeds. This has no affect on your rate, and costs you nothing out of pocket.
We hope to help hundreds of NJGCA members reduce their utility costs by participating in this and our other cost reduction programs. Our purpose, in the endeavor, is to help NJGCA members lower their energy costs while supporting the NJGCA Scholarship Fund.
Contact Phil Apruzzi at 973-376-0066 or email Phil at Mention that you are interested in saving money on your energy bills. NJGCA & TMP Energy Solutions will handle all the rest.


Promoting our agenda in Trenton is of utmost importance to NJGCA and our members.
However, in order to truly affect the debate, we must ensure our friends in the Legislature are re-elected. It is for this reason that your Association has established the NJGCA PAC.
For too long, the weight of funding our Political Action Committee, the arm of the Association responsible for political donations, has rested upon a few. This is not only unfair to those few members who have shouldered this burden, but means we are not utilizing our full strength to affect the debate in Trenton.
To truly understand the importance of supporting our allies, consider our successes in Trenton:
We made history in getting FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL signed into law!
We have built large support for RIGHT TO REPAIR and got it passed out of the Assembly
We defended your small business against the false accusations of Attorney General Anne Milgram
We gained wide support to move New Jersey to an all PIF Inspection System and close the CIF lanes
...and MUCH MORE!!
In each instance, we achieved these goals with the help of our friends in the Legislature!
If every member contributes just $100.00 we will be able to provide the help necessary to ensure victory for our allies.
66 Morris Avenue
Springfield, NJ 07081
Please make your donation payable to NJGCA PAC
I understand that times are tough for all NJGCA members, but this is just as important as any battle we have fought in the past.
We have made great progress in Trenton. I hope that you will answer the call.
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