October 26, 2007
Dear NJGCA Member:
Let me say that again: DO NOT BE A DOPE!
After a three-month fight by NJGCA, Governor Corzine signed the Predatory Towing Prevention Act this week. Undeniably, this law WILL harm honest small-businesses.
I cannot express how angry and disappointed I am with this situation. I am disappointed because NJGCA asked Governor Corzine to conditionally veto this bill. We made proposals to the governor that would have prevented unscrupulous and unethical tow truck operators from preying on unsuspecting motorists. Governor Corzine rejected our proposals and chose to punish all honest tow operators.
I was extremely clear in a letter to Governor Corzine that we approve of legislation that would stop unethical operators, BUT, LEAVE HONEST OPERATORS ALONE!
Here is what I stated in my letter to Governor Corzine: "Governor Corzine, I wish to be clear; NJGCA strongly supports legislation that will stop unscrupulous and unethical towmen dead in their tracks! My members urge you to lead the fight to prevent dishonest tow operators from preying on any motorist"
I am angry because a few unethical creeps caused the legislature to act and pass this ridiculous legislation in the first place. THAT'S CORRECT!!! A few creeps that can't figure out how to make a profit by operating their business ethically have made ALL OF US LOOK BAD!
I have gone on record this week condemning the Governor for taking yet ANOTHER step to damage the already-awful business climate here in New Jersey.
Let me be clear: Anytime someone in our business behaves unethically, it casts a cloud over all of us! I will not tolerate it. It is too difficult for us to gain the trust of our customers, the general public, the news media, and the legislature for us to tolerate this as an industry.
Picture an intruder trying to trespass on a bee hive. What is the result? The bees will swarm in mass to attack the intruder and keep the intruder from doing harm to the hive. That is exactly what we need to do as an industry! We need to swarm all over any individual that brings disrepute to our business.
If not for the foul actions and practices of a few creeps in the towing business, this legislation would never have been introduced.
Why don't I tell you what these creeps have created for you? This is what the legislation that Governor Corzine signed yesterday will burden you with:
ALL tow trucks must now register with the NJ Department of Consumer Affairs and pay a fee and file a tariff annually.
All towing, recovery, and storage fees must be registered with the NJ Dept of Consumer Affairs and will be posted on a web site for public scrutiny.
The Director of Consumer Affairs will take the average of all merchant towing fees in each county and set the towing rates with a maximum of 150% of the average for the county.
The new bureaucracy that has been created will be funded entirely through the fees and fines that YOU pay.
I do not apologize for the tone of this communication. I am angry because all of you are honest hard working small business owners that get up at all hours of the night and even weekends to rescue customers in distress, and now you will be burdened and punished because a few dopes have acted like creeps!
Well. I have vented! I hope you are all as angry as I am.
Ok, let's get on to other business. Please take a few minutes and read the remainder of this Road Warrior. There is a lot of other news and many other issues that you need to be aware of.
In the upcoming weeks, please look for my communications to you regarding a proposal that will create PAID family leave for your employees. The governor has vowed to sign it if it passes. It will require up to 12 weeks a year of PAID family leave for each of your employees.
Here it comes!! A new government sanctioned summer vacation program for all!
Sal Risalvato,
Executive Director
Protecting Consumer Choice: Federal Right-to-Repair Act signs 3 new sponsors
Congress to Bush: Support softer fuel-economy bill
Tail Pipe Fumes: NJ to sue EPA over auto emissions
Hurting Small Business: Corzine signs Predatory Towing Act; further damages NJ business climate
State House Legislative Report:
Predatory Towing: Governor lumps honest businesses in with the guilty!!
Free workshop helps Small Businesses achieve their goals and create new strategies
Did you attend one of our six regional meetings?
10/30/2007 & 11/1/2007: FREE Affinity Federal Credit Union Small-Business Workshops

Protecting Consumer Choice: Federal Right-to-Repair Act signs 3 new sponsors
The Right to Repair Act, has gained three new co-sponsors in Congress, bringing the total to 33 sponsors. This is important legislation to help all automotive repair shops obtain needed tools and information. Visit www.RightToRepair.org for further details.
Congress to Bush: Support softer fuel-economy bill
For what is shaping up to be a fight in the US Congress, 60 Congressman have asked President Bush to consider more reasonable fuel-economy standards. The proposal would maintain separate standards for cars and trucks while increasing overall fuel-efficiency.
Tail Pipe Fumes: NJ to sue EPA over auto emissions
New Jersey and ten other states have sued the US Environmental Protection Agency, following a two-year delay in deciding if states shall have the right to regulate auto emissions.
Hurting Small Business: Corzine signs Predatory Towing Act; further damages NJ business climate
Signaling tough times ahead for the small-business community, Governor Corzine signed the Predatory Towing Prevention Act in an effort to regulate all towing operations in New Jersey. A new bureaucracy will to be created and entirely funded through fines and fees levied against the towing businesses.

State House Legislative Report:
Governor creates new bureaucracy; lumps honest businesses in with the guilty
Governor Corzine signed the Predatory Towing Prevention Act this past Wednesday. This legislation will hurt towmen and harm hard-working small businesses.
Click HERE to read our PRESS RELEASE on the NJGCA website; see how this legislation will affect YOUR small-business.

Affinity Federal Credit Union has had a long partnership with our association. They are offering FREE business workshops to all NJGCA Members in good standing. Please present your NJGCA Membership Card to gain access to this worthwhile event.
Introduction to Business Coaching was designed by ActionCOACH and Affinity Federal Credit Union specifically for the needs of small business owners.
These free, 90-minute workshops can help you
Align personal and business goals
Develop successful strategies
Understand the dynamics of creating small business action plans
Call now to attend one of these dates:
October 30 Piscataway Branch: 7:00pm Call: 908-860-7258
October 30 Middletown Branch: 6:30pm Call: 800-325-0808 x5120
November 1 Basking Ridge Branch: 6:30pm Call: 908-860-7208
November 1 Hillsborough Branch: 6:00pm Call: 908-860-7393
November 1 Morristown Branch: 6:30pm Call: 908-860-3770
BONUS! 2-Day Intensive Business Seminar:
November 12-13 - Bridgewater Marriott
Affinity will hold a 2-day ActionCOACH business seminar on November 12 - 13.
Call (908) 766-0131 for more information. There is a discount for NJGCA members to attend this seminar!
We strongly encourage all members to take advantage of this great opportunity to gain valuable insight and improve your business.
For further details, please contact Membership Director Phil Apruzzi.

This week we held our last two Fall Member Dinner Meetings. I am happy to say our meetings were very successful overall. Not only did we get valuable information to all of our Members, but gave you a glimpse of where our association is going. Please feel free to comment or give feedback on anything we covered during our meeting presentation.
Thank you for participating and we look forward to continuing this success at our Spring Member Dinner Meetings.
-NJGCA Board Members and Staff

FREE Affinity Federal Credit Union Seminars:
Introduction to Business Coaching- 90 minute workshop:
October 30 Piscataway Branch: 7:00pm
October 30 Middletown Branch: 6:30pm
November 1 Basking Ridge Branch: 6:30pm
November 1 Hillsborough Branch: 6:00pm
November 1 Morristown Branch: 6:30pm
BONUS! 2-Day Intensive Business Seminar:
November 12-13 - Bridgewater Marriott