Road Warrior Newsletter

November 14, 2008


Dear NJGCA Member:


I have received a number of phone calls this week from members alarmed over the rising cost of their health insurance plans through Association Master Trust (AMT).

New Jersey has six insurance carriers in state and all are facing an increase in premiums.  This is not a company specific event but an industry wide phenomenon – all providers are facing the same rising costs.

However, AMT is a certified Member Benefit Partner (MBP) that allows all NJGCA members to purchase health insurance at a reduced cost.

How is this possible?  NJGCA is one of the thirteen associations that make up AMT.  There are no shareholders or profit to be made since it exists simply to serve its thirteen member organizations.  This allows AMT to keep administrative and operating costs low.  As such, we can assure you that any premium increase is due to the same industry-wide phenomenon other insurers are facing.

There is no reason to panic as alternative arrangements have already been designed for NJGCA members.

AMT has developed new plans to be less costly and may even save money over last year’s premiums.  We assure you that these reformulated plans are competitive with other providers facing the same obstacles in New Jersey.  Every case is unique, so please call AMT to begin the process and save money for next year!  You may also contact NJGCA headquarters if any other questions arise.

If you have been reading your emails this week, you know that the Below Cost Selling legislation has reared its head once more.  Assemblyman Burzichelli, the bill’s sponsor, had promised to consider compromise language from NJGCA to revise the bill.  This has not happened and the bill was scheduled to be posted on Monday.

NJGCA worked hard along with our friends from the Fuel Merchant’s Association to persuade the bill’s sponsor to “hold” Monday’s scheduled vote so we can meet to discuss amendments.

However, the fight to stop Below Cost Selling is NOT over; we have only won is a short reprieve.  We hope to use this opportunity to get the bill amended, but we will need YOUR help in getting this accomplished.

If you have not done so already, please read the latest Wildfire Alert for details.  If you have NOT received the latest Wildfire Alert, click HERE to read it.  Please follow the instructions laid out in the message and TAKE ACTION.

Every retailer has stake in the outcome.  DO NOT sit on the sidelines!  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me.

See you next week!

Sal Risalvato
Executive Director



•ATS Gold Plan Testing Program – SIGN UP TODAY!!


•Lawmakers consider $125M stimulus package
•NJGCA in the News: Sal talks falling pump prices
•Critics debate Governor’s stimulus plan
•Despite budget cuts, state debt grows by $2 billion



All business owners know running a small business is expensive and never easy.  When a great opportunity comes along and allows you SAVE MONEY and simplify your responsibilities, you have to take notice.

That’s why NJGCA has negotiated an agreement with our partners at ATS Environmental Services to save money for all service station owners.

For 2009, ATS will offer a steeply discounted compliance testing program to all NJGCA members.

The ATS Gold Plan Testing Program package, can save you up to 50% on testing in 2009.  The program will begin shortly after the New Year and includes Stage II Vapor Recovery, Tank Testing, Line Testing, and more.

You can read more on the offer on page 21 of the September issue of our On The Road quarterly publication.

However, to qualify you HAVE TO SIGN UP BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST or you will NOT qualify for this special pricing!!

DON’T WAIT!!  I encourage all retailers to take advantage of this program we have arranged on your behalf.

If you have any questions, you can contact me or Director of Member Services, Debbie Hill.


Lawmakers consider $125M stimulus package
Governor Corzine called on Legislators to quickly pass a $125 million stimulus package aimed at combating the ongoing economic crisis. The necessary funds are expected to be taken from the $650 million set aside to lower the State’s debt earlier this year.

NJGCA in the News: Sal talks falling pump prices
Executive Director Sal Risalvato spoke with reporter Ryan Tracy of the Trenton Times regarding falling pump prices and how it will affect the market short-term. Click on the link above to see what Sal had to say.

Critics debate Governor’s stimulus plan
As the economy continues to look bleak, policy experts are debating Governor Corzine’s plan to cut business taxes to keep the economy stable.  Some analysts believe that cutting corporate taxes will not help retain jobs in state.  Still others feel that the 0 growth recorded from 2000-2007 – when the national economy grew – clearly indicates that something is wrong and must be addressed.
Despite budget cuts, state debt grows by $2 billion
According to a new report, New Jersey’s state debt rose from $29.7 billion in June 2007 to $31.86 billion in June 2008, tripling what the state’s debt load was a decade ago.  Since June 2008, the state has also borrowed an additional $805 million.


Serving the small businesses that serve the motorist